Thursday, August 28, 2008

My new glasses

I forgot to mention I got new glasses. This is a big thing for me because they are totally different from my old pair. I have really bad vision so you could always see the thickness when I wore my glasses. The doctors office suggested I try plastic lenses which will hide more of the thickness so I did and was so happy with the results. My glasses are so lightweight( first time ever) and they thinned the lenses so well you would not know how bad my eyesight is!! I will probably give up wearing my contacts eventually. I could not wear them much anyhow because they kept burning my eyes. I have been wearing contacts since I was fifteen so I think it just has taken a toll on my eyes and it is now time to wear glasses full time. Plus, I won't have to buy the expensive contact solution anymore. Horray for plastic lenses!!Oh, by the way, I my new frames are square looking with a sort of tiger design. They look like Jessica Paulsens.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Cool!! I can't wait to see them. I bet you look awesome!

I found that after having kids I just couldn't comfortably wear contacts.